How to Make Your Stamp as a Leader

Starting a new leadership position can be an intimidating experience for even the most capable person. The Center for Creative Leadership found that up to 40% of newly promoted managers and executives find themselves without a job within 18 months of being promoted – illustrating that the pressure is on from day one. Leaders will therefore be expected to take the reins and utilise the strengths of their team from the very beginning, poising the question, what are the most effective ways of making your stamp as a leader? Here are 5 tips to help you on your way:

Instil norms and values

Norms and values form the foundation of any organisation – they are the bedrock of success. Innovative business ideas count for little if the people behind them do not have the right attitude. It is therefore vital that leaders are able to instil norms and values that set high standards for everybody in the team.

Set realistic goals and objectives

Leaders will always set goals and objectives in business, but many are too vague and long-winded. Objectives need to be concise and realistic so workers understand what their end goal looks like. Although it may seem audacious to set targets on day one, what it does is tell people that you are serious about being successful.

Establish a culture which allows individuals to thrive

Specialities aside, leaders need to engage their employees in an environment where optimal performance is possible. Workers shouldn’t fear asking questions and nor should they be afraid of talking to one another. A leader is responsible for creating a culture where people can express their opinions and engage with each other for the greater good of the company.

Rubber stamp your definition of success

What does success mean to you personally? One of the first things you need to do as a leader is explain what you are looking for on a daily basis. Define terms such as accountability, co-operation, commitment and innovation – as all of them are key to fostering a winning environment where targets are not only met, but exceeded.

Listen, listen and listen

To ease any uncertainty people may have with a new leadership regime, a leader should encourage employees to openly ask questions, whether in public or in private, to learn about their new environment as quickly as possible. Sometimes it is about talking less and listening – as the leader doesn’t always need to be the loudest voice in the room.

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